How did the group form?
A few of us were part of 'since 1875', and when the majority of the members decided to stand down, they asked us to form the next group, so we started from there. There was only three members at the start, and we have grown since then.
Talk to us about the amount of time, effort, and finances it takes to run Block Seven…
Block Seven isn't just a Saturday project, it's all day, every day, it's our main priority. The effort the members put into the group is phenomenal. The commitment and passion we have to make Block Seven thrive is what we are all about. We started with nothing, and we depended on donations from the members to get the basics we needed, like the drum, flags, megaphone etc. Once we were at the point of a formed group, we then reached out to the wider Hibs support for donations via a 'go fund me' so financially this would allow us to achieve bigger and better things to enhance the atmosphere like tifo displays, banners, merchandise etc.

How pleased are you with the growth of Block Seven?
We are overwhelmed with the growth of the group, the position we are in at the moment was our goal to be at in five seasons’ time and to have achieved that goal in a year is something we are very proud of.
What was the UEFA Youth League match like for you all?
During the game the members created non-stop noise which could be heard around the stadium, then seeing everyone join in and the players acknowledgement is an amazing feeling of achievement. After the winning penalty, seeing the players running towards us, jumping the advertising boards to reach us to celebrate was an amazing feeling. We handed over the Block Seven flag and megaphone so they could join in the party atmosphere; that made our night and theirs. Also hearing from some of the players that we spurred them on and pushed them onto victory gives us a sense of achievement and pride.
Sit with Block Seven for the Nantes match; CLICK HERE to get your tickets!

What are your plans for Block Seven in the future?
Our plans are to continue to grow, to move onwards and upwards, and work closely with the Club to help create a special atmosphere inside Easter Road.
As a group, who’s your favourite player?
That’s a really difficult question to answer because there are so many… but as a group one of our biggest fans is one of our favourite players and that is Kevin Dabrowski. He has given us his support from the beginning and for that we'll be forever grateful.
What does Hibs mean to you all?
What do Hibs mean to us? In a word... Everything! It's our Club. Our Passion. Our City.